Past Issues
By Lake Access Magazine Contributing Author(s)
Beloved cottage of Dr. Loehr gets a facelift
By Violet Kelly
Let’s talk shop—lake shop. There are only so many fuel and food fill-up stops on the lakes, so there are bound to be waits, which in turn create some [...]
By Michelle Woods
On any Saturday morning in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s you could find a group of Coldwater Lake teenagers practicing for the annual ski show. They were part of the [...]
By Randall Hazelbaker
About a century ago, most of the land around the lakes was owned by cement factories. There were four cement factories in Branch County by 1900, including Union City [...]
By Lois Hoffman
The berm around the dam on Union Lake got a much-needed upgrade this past year
By Violet Kelly
Activities abound on the lakes through every season of the year. From old to young, Type-A to social sanguine, there’s something for everyone. SUMMER The height of activities on [...]
By Lois Hoffman
I thought I heard someone calling the other day. As I listened closer, it was the lake softly whispering, “Don’t forget me. I can still be fun, even in [...]
By Bill & Renate Brenneke
You have heard of pontoons and tri-toons. Well, Lake George now has what is called a “newtoon.” Residents Bill and Renate Brenneke designed the new boat as a low-speed [...]
By Brad Babjack
Why do I love coming to the lake? I look forward to it. I crave it. The rest, the time with family and friends, the beauty of nature … [...]