Past Issues
By Violet Kelly
Let’s talk shop—lake shop. There are only so many fuel and food fill-up stops on the lakes, so there are bound to be waits, which in turn create some [...]
By artistre Escapes Island Garden Venue
In life, we are given opportunities we never could have imagined but which fit our destiny perfectly. Twenty-five years ago John and Kathy Hemker purchased a beautiful property for [...]
By Lake Access Magazine Contributing Author(s)
Beloved cottage of Dr. Loehr gets a facelift
By Natasha Powell
Every summer in America we celebrate the birth of our country with fireworks on the Fourth of July. Have you ever wondered about the history of fireworks? Most attribute [...]
By Dr. Joe Holicki
Lakes provide refreshment, entertainment and fun. However, there are injuries unique to lakes and the water activities they invite. My most memorable fishhook injury happened when my son, age [...]
By Brad Babjack
Why do I love coming to the lake? I look forward to it. I crave it. The rest, the time with family and friends, the beauty of nature … [...]
By Randall Hazelbaker
About a century ago, most of the land around the lakes was owned by cement factories. There were four cement factories in Branch County by 1900, including Union City [...]
By Lake Access Magazine Contributing Author(s)
Take advantage of all the activities and services for seniors that the Burnside Center has to offer
By Michelle Wood
The bridge over the channel on Warren Road provides great access around the lake all summer. Lately, it has also provided area residents with a topic for speculation. We [...]