Faith on the Lake
By Brad Babjack
Why do I love coming to the lake?
I look forward to it. I crave it. The rest, the time with family and friends, the beauty of nature … it calls to me. I think it calls to many of us. We were made to enjoy these experiences. The lake offers the rest and fellowship that God desires for people. When at the lake, I feel alive. Why is that? I don’t think the lake has any special power in itself, but it may have the power to help us see God more clearly.
When I think of the lake, I think of the rest and relaxation experienced there. I think God has designed us to see Him and experience Him through rest. In a society that is increasingly addicted to work, where our value becomes defined by our productivity, rest is not our natural tendency. Luckily, God knows us and commands us to rest. We are told that we need to cease working regularly. When we purposefully choose to rest, it helps us to detach our value from what we do and place it on who we are. When we rest from work, we are actually obeying God. It can be hard to connect with God when we feel chaos around us. Napping on the hammock or going on a boat ride might not seem like they are spiritual acts, but they are! They help to quiet our busy minds and allow God to communicate with us.
When I think of the lake, I think of the relationships built there. I think about the family vacations that will bring joy for the rest of my life. I think about the deep talks on the dock with my closest friends under the stars. These relationships fill my heart. We were not created to go through life alone. When I see children running on the dock, hear late-night laughter or smell food on the grill, I know that people are coming together, and the value of that can’t be missed. The lake helps us to prioritize those who are close to us, and we get to experience the rich blessing of spending time with them. God has created us for connection, both with Himself and with others.
The lake helps us to see and experience the beauty of God. A songwriter of the Bible once said, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” I am so thankful that God has given us the opportunity to enjoy what He has made—watching the sunrises and sunsets; catching frogs, fish and other critters; enjoying a morning swim in the refreshing water. A friend once observed, “How can you look up at the stars and think there isn’t a God? There has to be something more.” Nature stirs up something within us. It gives me such joy to know that the same God who made this beautiful world also made us and desires us to know Him as our Creator.
The lake will continue to point me to God. My faith has been enriched by the rest, relationships and beauty of the lake. I hope you take time this summer to reflect on what God is doing in your life, whether at the lake or not.
Brad Babjack, Coldwater Lake
West Virginia University
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
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