Past Issues
By Ashley Klein
My life is very busy. I work in a busy medical practice, teach spin classes and sell real estate. I have a husband and two fur babies. There is [...]
By Krista Glei
Every spring, people flock to greenhouses and garden centers to gather up everything they will need to make their yard and porch beautiful. They buy hanging baskets, potted plants, [...]
By Lois Hoffman
We all have that “window” that we look forward to. It’s those few years between the time when we are done working, raising kids, paying mortgages and improving our [...]
By Lois Hoffman
Few folks know that Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan, frequented Coldwater regularly. Michael Hatt set out to change that in his book, Tarzan Slept Here: Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Coldwater Connection.
By Bernie Bahr
Lakes and their winds can steal your stuff, or deliver unrequested treasures right to your back door
By artistre Escapes Island Garden Venue
In life, we are given opportunities we never could have imagined but which fit our destiny perfectly. Twenty-five years ago John and Kathy Hemker purchased a beautiful property for [...]
By Lake Access Magazine Contributing Author(s)
Beloved cottage of Dr. Loehr gets a facelift
By Lois Hoffman
I thought I heard someone calling the other day. As I listened closer, it was the lake softly whispering, “Don’t forget me. I can still be fun, even in [...]
By Lois Hoffman
The berm around the dam on Union Lake got a much-needed upgrade this past year